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Fan-Pledge Event




The 2024 Fan-Pledge (Call-A-Thon) event

is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3rd from 4:30-5:30pm in the Band Hall.


To finish our fall Patron fundraising and ensure we meet goal, all band students are asked to participate in our annual Fan-Pledge Call-A-Thon event as a “final push” to close our remaining fall funding gap. 


During this one hour, high-energy, prize filled event, students call or contact 1 to 15+ “band fans” (friends & family) asking for donations toward our annual fall funding goal. Contacts can give via a donation link (preferred) or send a check payable to Westlake Band Parents. 15% of proceeds fund “fun” events/activities for our band students and 85% goes to the Westlake Band Parents Patron Program.


Band students can receive team and individual prizes/recognition awards plus donors can qualify for Patron benefits. If you want Fan-Pledge donations applied to your Patron level/benefits, please EMAIL YOUR FAN-PLEDGE RECEIPT to, as Fan-Pledge keeps all contacts and giving information private. Also, please apply for EMPLOYER MATCHING of both Patron and Fan-Pledge gifts.


Disclosure: Fan-Pledge charges fees to lead this event and use their (highly effective) specialized app and platform. Giving directly to Patron Program sends more of your gift directly to our band program.


Fan-Pledge is a trusted vendor used by many peer high and middle school bands for fundraising. Friends & family contact information is secured by Fan-Pledge and kept private (never sold nor shared with any entity including our band!).


Check out a few clips from our 2023 event HERE. (and turn up the volume!)


GOAL is 100% band student participation, calling or contacting 1 to 15+ friends & family to help (according to the family’s comfort level). CONTACTS MUST BE ENTERED into the Fan-Pledge App BEFORE THE EVENT STARTS, so start brainstorming and collecting contact information now!?


We recognize that Call-A-Thon may cause anxiety for some students, but it can also be an opportunity to practice telephone cold-calling, asking/pitching, and working outside their comfort zone – all great life and business skills. Parents can notify contacts ahead of time if desired. For students and families who decline to participate, we ask your student to attend to support their peers. We work hard to make this event FUN as well, and treats will be plentiful!


Important:  The amount of money your student raises (or does not raise) does not influence nor impact their band grade. Check with band directors on attendance requirements.


Students are asked to bring a CHARGED PHONE (and charging cord for emergencies) plus enter all contacts prior to event kickoff.





We welcome your feedback and alternative fundraising ideas, and encourage you to consider joining our team!

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