All sales and donations benefit the Westlake Chaparral Band
MARCH 29, 2025
Our 2025 Mulch Sale is HERE .
for our Westlake Chaparral Band!
Free delivery* Saturday, March 29
and Sunday, March 30, 2025
(*Free delivery to ZIP codes 78746, 78733, and Lakes Edge only.
Minimum eight (8) bags required for delivery.)
QUESTIONS? Email mulch@westlakeband.org
or review the FAQ below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the Mulch Sale?
A: The Chap Band Mulch Sale is one of our largest annual fundraising events to benefit the Westlake Chaparral Band.
Q: What if I don't need mulch but want to support the amazing student musicians in the CHAP BAND
A: No problem! We welcome and appreciate donations! Use the donation button above to make a donation directly from our website.
Q: What can I purchase to support the Band?
A: We offer bags of hardwood mulch for $6 each, bags of black mulch for $6.50 each, and pallets of 52 bags of mulch at $312 (hardwood mulch) and $338 (black mulch) each.
Q: Why should I buy mulch from the Band?
A: Because our prices are competitive with what you’d pay at your local home improvement store [the ones with the blue or orange logos] and with local landscaping supply stores. BUT, you don’t pay sales tax when you buy mulch from us, and every order of eight (8) bags or more of OUR MULCH comes with free delivery to your location in the 78746 or 78733 ZIP codes or to Lakes Edge in Bee Cave. And with every order, you get the deep satisfaction of helping the Westlake Chap Band continue their musical excellence, and WHO can put a price on that???
Q: Did you say FREE delivery???
A: YES. Westlake Band members will (C)happily deliver your order of eight (8) or more bags of mulch in the 78746 or 78733 ZIP codes, or to Lakes Edge in Bee Cave, providing delivery can be accomplished safely with our vehicles.
Q: What do I do once the mulch arrives?
A: If you need assistance spreading your mulch, we know a bunch of Westlake students who would be (C)happy to assist you. Add “Spreading” services to your order, and we’ll put those students in touch with you to make arrangements. We recommend a $20/hour per student payment for mulch spreading. You will pay the students directly after they have completed the job.
Q: What if I have a really difficult or sharply elevated driveway?
A: Contact us at mulch@westlakeband.org, and we’ll figure out the best way to get your mulch to you.
Q: What if I only need a few bags of mulch?
A: No problem! We’d love to sell you that mulch and will have it available for pickup at Westlake High School on Saturday, March 29.
Q: I just placed an order – when does my mulch arrive?
A: Thank you! Your mulch will be available for pickup March 29, or if you select delivery, we’ll deliver your order between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday, March 29 or March 30, to the best of our ability
Q: I have more questions about my delivery – who can I contact?
A: If you need to contact us about your delivery before March 29, please email mulch@westlakeband.org. If you need to contact us on March 29 [delivery day], we’ll send a contact phone number via email prior to delivery.